Monday, January 5, 2015

The blog's not dead, yippie!

I accidentally re-discovered this blog during a phase of extreme narcissism.

I think this is turning out to be pretty cool actually. It feels a lot like a diary, except that it suffers from intense time dilation. Which works pretty well, since it creates snapshots of my life with time-lags, the latest of which was two years in magnitude (and forward in direction).

I'm about to turn 26 in 12 days. Try not to show up for my birthday. I'm not a big fan of choosing special days to celebrate. All they remind me of is how each day of our life is NOT  a celebration, warranting the need for SPECIAL days. Love day, hug day, friendship day, 'lora' day, 'lasun' day.

I like the self-centered tone I had set to this blog. It makes me unapologetic.

Which is great, since my hiatus over the last two years has taught me this – people are dicks.

No, they are, really. That best friend who manipulates you all the time – dick. The love of your life who holds you back from excelling – dick. The feminist on the street whose real war is against women she deems more beautiful and unflinchingly labels as dumb sluts – dick. The cynic who tries to debunk every sincere effort made by you (and others) while he sits on his couch doing nothing – dick dick dick!

We are all dicks. I am a dick. You are a dick. Yes. You. Are!

Try to put your ego aside and reflect on the truth with humility. You will KNOW you have been a dick and are probably being one right now.

Once you realize it, though, you will have taken the first step towards turning back into a human.

P.S.: This blog was intended to be a personal diary and not a philosophical rant-house, but I supposed 26 years have merged the two into one yucky whole!

P.S.S: The pun was accidental.